Sunday, 30 March 2014

Interesting study on impact of Mediterranean diet on metabolic diseases and CVD

Another interesting study published last week, comparing the impact of the "traditional anti-CVD diet" with the Mediterranean diet.

The study by Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques in Spain observed a number of adult individuals with high risk of CVD (cardiovascular disease). The individuals suffered from a range of metabolic disorders, including obesity, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high plasma glucose etc - all associated with increased risk of death from CVD.

Some were put on the "recommended" diet for people with CVD: essentially low fat, with an overall calorie restriction. The others were put on a Mediterranean diet, which consisted of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and fats (olive oil, nuts and seeds), with no calorie restriction (i.e. eating to satiety). The Mediterranean diet consisted of around 50% total fat intake (as percentage of total kcal consumed).

The subjects were observed over a period of 1 year and their metabolic health was assessed throughout and at the conclusion of the study.

The results were not surprising to me but perhaps to many of those educated in 1980s-1990s medicine: the high fat no calorie restriction Mediterranean diet resulted in far better improvements in metabolic health and reduced risks for CVD when compared to the low fat calorie-restricted diet.

The study was not perfect:
- While the Med Diet group didn't gain weight, they didn't lose much (my guess that this was due to lack of physical activity and abundance of grains and legumes in the diet)

- The scientists hypothesized that the subjects on the Med diet were experiencing improved fat oxidation (they became better at burning fat) - however this was not tested for saturated fats, only mono and poly unsaturated fats from olive and oil and nuts/seeds.

In any case, the evidence remains compelling that a higher fat diet resulted in lower CVD risks when compared to a diet designed to lower CVD risks...

I'm copy/pasting below the conclusion from the study, followed by a link to the full literature.

"Since the primary endpoint for the treatment of MetS is to reduce the risk of CVD, traditional dietary recommendations such as those proposed by the NCEP, AHA and NHLBI essentially involve following a low-fat diet and achieving weigh reduction by a combination of reduced caloric intake and increased physical activity. In our study, however, we found that a high-fat (>40% of energy) non-energy-restricted diet showed a reduction in MetS prevalence without the need for weight loss or prescribed physical activity. There are several important aspects to consider regarding the MD followed in this study. First of all, it is highly palatable, decreases hunger, and promotes satiety, hence improving long-term adherence compared to low-fat energy-restricted diets [31]
[31]. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that there is no rationale for maintaining the fear that a MD rich in fats of vegetable origin may cause weight gain, and that it may be a useful alternative to traditional low-fat diets for the dietary treatment of MetS." 

Monday, 17 March 2014

Fasted Race Experiment Successful... no shovel required!

Glad to report that I'm ok. Racing Abu Dhabi Short in a fasted state did not result in me collapsed by the side of the road begging passers by for an energy gel or Coke...

Some background
Yesterday I took part in the Abu Dhabi International Triathlon (ADIT), racing the Short distance - except there is nothing "short" about it: 1.5km swim, followed by 100km bike, followed by a 10km run.

Hello Abu Dhabi!
I take part in this race every year: being a Dubaiyite (as my wife calls us Dubai residents), it's considered our "local" race, I also often use this race to experiment with something new. Last year, I used the race to experiment with new nutrition products from Hammer Nutrition. While the products worked great, I misjudged my hydration, became dehydrated and had a miserable race full of cramps (which you can read about here).

This year, however, I went in the complete opposite direction: I wanted to race the event on nothing but water. That's right: no energy gels, no energy bars, no electrolyte tablets, no coke, no gatorade... just good old fashioned water, for a race that typically takes between 4 and 5 hours and coincides with the beginning of the UAE summer heat.

But I'm not an idiot: I didn't just wake up last week and decide to race "on an empty stomach". During the past 2 months or so, I've amended my diet and training to become more fat adapted. In other words, I've been teaching my body to prioritize the use of fat as a primary source of fuel both for exercise as well as for daily living. At the end of this blogpost, I'm outlining some of the main things I've adopted to become more fat adapted.

The purpose of my plan to race ADIT "unfueled" was to determine whether I was fat adapted enough to tap into my fat resources to fuel me through the entire race, without the need to resort to energy gels/bars/sports drinks.

Why am I doing all this? What's the harm in consuming carbohydrate-rich energy gels and drinks? Primarily for health reasons: I have diabetes in my family history, in addition to heart disease, high blood pressure and triglycerides, all linked to high carbohydrate consumption. I talked extensively about all this here.

I also did not make use of any electrolyte supplements (e.g. Saltstick, Nuun, Gu Brew...). These are claimed to replenish electrolytes lost in heavy sweating. All the research I've read in recent months about the topic point to the fact that it's virtually impossible to deplete yourself from electrolytes to the point of causing cramps in a single day event, unless you've had 0 salt/mineral intake with your food in the days leading up to the event (another impossibility).

So water was all there was (with some amino acids, as I explain below).

The X Factor
While my aim was to isolate the "fat adaptation" aspect in my experiment to make it the only "factor" in the race, there was a somewhat significant "X factor": my race fitness, or lack of it to be exact. I honestly haven't trained much in recent months due to a combination of personal and work-related matters. I had enough fitness to carry me through the race, but not enough fitness to "race" the race.

I knew I would have to look at my post-race results with that lens...

Preview and Race Conditions
The race took place on Saturday March 15th. I drove up on Friday morning, checked into the hotel, registered, did the pre-race usual (dropped off bike in transition, etc.). On Friday, conditions were horrible: heavy rain, heat/humidity, and gale force winds to boot. We were all hoping that things would calm down overnight...

and calm down they did...

On Saturday, we woke up to clear skies and no winds. The rain had left something behind though: we were looking at 80% humidity throughout the day, and the air felt thick. We also knew that the winds would pick up over the course of the day, as they always do in this part of the region.

The Race Plan
Breakfast - 2 hours before race-start: Bulletproof Coffee +3g Amino Acids
Bike: water +1g Amino Acids on the hour every hour (so 3g)
Run: water

Some explanations:

Bulletproof Coffee? What the heck is that?: Click here for an explanation. Why? Well the fat content in the Bulletproof Coffee actually triggers the fat burning metabolism (called beta-oxidation) in your body. In other words, it "starts the fat burning engine", thereby allowing you to tap into your fat reserves.

Why Amino Acids? Amino Acids are the basic building blocks of proteins. I take a small amount (6g in total) just to protect my muscles from destroying themselves too much during long endurance events, like a triathlon. I don't get energy from Amino Acids, they're more preventative than anything else (again following the theme of minimize the negative health implications of endurance racing).

Race Execution Plan
In order for me to get through the race without resorting to energy gels/bars/drinks, I would have to stay in my "fat burning" zone of effort. This typically means an effort of around 75% of my maximum effort on the swim, the bike and the run.

Why? Well your body uses 2 sources of fuel primarily: carbohydrates and fats. Fats provide more energy, but they take longer to burn. Carbs produce less energy, but they are "quick".

  • So if your effort level is "hard" (e.g. 80% or more), you need energy "quickly", so you will need carbohydrates. You have some stored in your liver and muscles, enough for around 90min of effort. After that, you'll need to eat carbs to replenish and keep going (gels, bars, sports drinks, etc.)
  • If you keep your effort level around the 75% mark, you can use "fat" as a source of fuel. You have hours and hours worth of fat stores in your body (no matter how lean you are). 
Of course, you can't just wake up and assume that your body will chose fat. Our typical diet has unfortunately conditioned our bodies to operate on carbs, even at low levels of effort. 

What I've been doing over the last 8 weeks or so is "recondition" my body to learn to burn fat for anything other than a "hard" effort (I describe some of what I did at the bottom of this blogpost).

I opted for no wetsuit, even though it was going to mean a slower swim. My lack of swim training meant that going 45sec faster with a wetsuit would not have made any difference. In addition, the air was warm and thick with humidity, conditions I normally struggle with anyway, so I didn't want to risk overheating during the swim by wearing a wetsuit.

Target effort level: 75%, comfortable pace

Plan was to bike also at a 75% effort, making use of my Vector power meter and heart rate monitor to gauge my effort and keep it steady throughout the bike course (i.e. avoid spikes which would push me into carb-burning zones, which are typically above 80% effort).

Same as bike: keep it at 75% effort and use heart rate monitor to maintain a stable pace.

Race Day
I woke up at 5am after a good night's sleep. It's funny, I don't get nervous much before races, a big step from a couple of years back when I would spend the night tossing and turning.

I ordered fresh coffee from room service, and while waiting for it, spent 5min doing some breathing exercises. Those have a dual purpose of (i) oxygenating my blood/muscles and (ii) warming up my breathing muscles (diaphragm, rib cage muscles).

When the coffee came, I prepared my bulletproof coffee, and while sipping it, I completed a quick warmup: pushups, burpees, lunges. Nothing crazy: just getting the blood flowing to all muscle groups.

I got my kit ready, took 3g amino acids, and headed downstairs to catch the shuttle bus to the race venue.

I got to the race venue and it was buzzing with activity. The Pros were about to start, music was blaring, and there was this infectious energy in the whole place, which I love and missed since my last big race at Challenge Roth in July.

A bit of a burst bubble happened when I realized that my bike computer (Garmin Edge) was stolen off my bike overnight! I couldn't comprehend it: the only people with access to the bikes were race officials and other athletes. What kind of athlete steals a bike computer!?

Anyway, I had my old trusty Garmin Forerunner 310XT in my bag, and I had charged it overnight as a backup. I put it on my wrist, paired it with my power meter and heart rate strap, and headed down to the beach to warm up before race start.

The Swim (1.5km)
I was in a wave of around 300 other athletes. I started on the side (no point in getting bashed around too much). When the horn went off, I plunged it and tried to settle into a rhythm immediately. I had to deal with kicks and blows for the first 5min or so (typical of a race start), but then things cleared up and I was swimming super comfortably.

Results: at this stage, I experienced the impact of the Bulletproof Coffee for the first time: I had never experienced such mental clarity during the beginning of a race. I was acutely aware of where I was in the water, I was reacting a lot quicker to other swimmers, and I was very much focused on my streamlining, body position and stroke. Certainly the most comfortable swim in any race I've taken part in.

I came out of the water in 32:10. Slow, but expected.

Thanks Christian for the pic!

Transition 1
T1 in ADIT is a bit of a long one. You run up the beach, through a fresh water shower, into a changing tent to grab your "bike bag" and change, then out into the large area where all the bikes are.

Again, I was super comfortable as I was running into the tent. My "bike bag" was empty, because all what I needed (helmet, race belt, sunglasses) were hanging on the hook where I left them. I grabbed them and put them on as I was running towards my bike.

Grabbed the bike and ran with it to the mounting line. I had left my bike shoes clipped into the pedals, so I ran across the mounting line, hopped on, slipped my feet into the shoes and started pedaling away.

T1: 4.5min. Rusty, lack of practice shows.

Bike (100km)

2nd bubble burst: as I explained earlier, my plan was to use my power meter and heart rate monitor to make sure I stayed in my "fat burning zone" of 75% effort. Of course, that requires being able to see the power you're producing or your heart rate. 

Since my bike computer was MIA, I had put on my backup Forerunner on my wrist. But when I looked at it on the bike, it was "dead': water had gotten into it during the swim (no idea why) and it just refused to restart.

Switching to Plan C then!

I had 2 choices at that point:

  1. Throw the experiment out the window, smash the bike segment, grabbing energy gels from the aid stations throughout; or
  2. Try to estimate what 75% feels like using my breathing and "perceived exertion" and stick to the experiment.

I opted for option 2.
How I executed it was pretty simple: 75% effort means I should be able to breath through my nose. Every time I had to breath through my mouth, I would slow my effort down until I regained control of my breathing. Of course I "let that go" on the bridges somewhat, but just by 10% or so.

The bike ride was otherwise super-smooth. I stayed on the aerobars for pretty much the entire ride (except for tight corners on Yas Marina GP Circuit).

I was grabbing water from every aid station (and nothing else). It was getting hot and very humid very quickly, so I was drinking around 800ml/hour (estimated, I had no watch/bike computer/Garmin!!).


Positives: never ever felt any energy dips or lack of power. Never felt the need to take any energy gels/bars/drinks. Felt super steady and consistent in my effort, and it was very easy to regain control of my breathing after going up bridges and flyovers.

Negatives: none really. The only thing I struggled with was the fact that I was getting passed by so many people in the first 40km or so of the bike. 
This is something I'm not used to: the bike normally being my "strength", it's usually the other way around for me. 
I took a little pleasure in the last 40km though: I was passing a lot of the people who had passed me earlier, even though I was still putting out a 75% effort. Many people were beginning to fade as the winds picked up during the second half of the bike.

Total time for 100km: 3:12 (avg 31.2km/h)

Transition 2
T2 was uneventful. Got off the bike just before the dismount line, leaving the shoes clipped into the pedals. Dropped off my bike at the first empty spot I could find and jogged to the transition tent feeling very comfortable. Helmet off, shoes on, visor on, and off I went for the 10km run.

Saw Christian Berglehner from Race-Me and my club-mate at TriDubai on the way to the changing tent, and he snapped a pic:

Run (10km)
The moment I stepped out of the tent, I realized how hot and humid it was. It was close to mid-day and the sun was blasting, and I already knew that the run course had no shaded areas whatsoever.

Again, I had no heart rate monitor, so I had to gauge my effort by feel to keep it at 75%. 

I already knew what that meant for me (that's how I train myself and others): 75% means I'm able to keep a 4/3 breathing pattern. 3/2 means I'm beginning to go above 80%, and that was a no no for this particular experiment.

Remember what I mentioned earlier: 80%+ effort means you're dipping into stored carbs, and you only have 90min of those in your body. I was already 4 hours into the race, and I certainly did use some of those 90min during the swim (aggressive start) and the bike (bridges and flyovers).

Now the major parameter that influences how fast you go at a particular level of effort is your fitness. For example, someone who can run at 11km/h at 75% effort is fitter than someone who can run at 10km/h at 75% effort.

Things are also negatively affected by heat and humidity: if you normally run at 10km/h at 75%, the heat/humidity will drive your effort to 80% for the same speed of 10km/h. Some people (e.g moi) are more susceptible to hot weather conditions than others.


I started the run feeling ok, and kept my pace very slow to control my breathing and maintain that 4/3 breathing pattern. 2km into the run and I started to lose control: I couldn't maintain a 4/3 breathing pattern anymore, which meant that my effort level was creeping above 80%. I had to slow it down since I still had 8km to go. 

But I know myself. This has nothing to do with how "fat adapted" I am. This has to do with how "unfit" I am. Given the lack of training over the past few months, I just was not "capable of staying at 75% at 6min/km", and the only way I could was by slowing down to a walk.

I started a new pattern:

  • Run at 75% until I couldn't
  • Walk until my breathing recovered
  • Restart running at 75%

That went on until the 9km mark, when I decided that I still had some of that stored carbs left: I picked up the pace and ran the rest of the way to the finish at 85-90% effort.

A highlight of the run was seeing TriDubai trisuit after TriDubai trisuit. Such a big presence for our club at such a major race made me immensely proud! Shoutouts from Venny, Johan, Patrice, and countless others were uplifting!
Run time: 1:17 (slow as a snail).

TOTAL TIME: 5:11 (263rd out of 381 in my age group).
I crossed the finish line a little out of breath, but I can honestly say that I finished "fresh". I wasn't tired, no muscle pains, no cramps whatsoever…

But the most important thing of all: as with the swim, my mind was "clear". I had never experienced this mental clarity at the end of a brutal 5hr race. No mental fog, no dizziness, no blurred vision, etc…

Carbs are famous for causing mental fog in the best of conditions, but I always thought that the mental fog at the end of a long-distance triathlon came from the exertion… not this time!

I was chatting to some of the guys at the finish, and I could recall every minute of my race and could tell them what was happening at every one of those minutes. It was an incredible feeling…

Conclusions and Next Steps
In my opinion, the experiment was a resounding success: I never felt out of energy and my level of energy was steady and consistent throughout the whole event.

This is all hypothetical of course, but allow me to run some numbers:

The following were my swim/bike/run paces at 75% a year ago (when I was far more race-ready):

  • Swim 1.5km: 29min (vs 32min today)
  • Bike 100km: 33km/h (vs 31.5km/h today)
  • Run 10km: 55min (vs. 75min today with walks)

In other words, I'm convinced that this experiment was successful enough to warrant a second attempt after a few months of training.

I'm registered for Norway 70.3 In July. Will I adopt the same there? Probably not. Not because I will stop fat adapting (I won't) but because I don't want to "race" Norway 70.3 at 75% effort. It's my "A" race this season and I'm looking at going hard (85% effort).

Having said that, I will certainly continued to teach my body to tap into its fat resources, because that will make me more efficient at ALL effort levels

This will certainly reduce the amount of carbs I will need to ingest during the race in Norway, which ultimately would be beneficial for my health.

I'm competitive, and all for getting a good result in my races, but not at the expense of increasing my risk of diabetes 10 years down the road

How did I "fat adapt" over the past few months
I'll start off by admitting that I stuck to this plan around 70% of the time, and "fell off the wagon" around 30% (partially on purpose, partially due to either travel, entertaining, or lack of will power).

On the training side, it was pretty simple:

  • Unlike what some traditional people recommend, I did not only train at 75% or lower efforts
  • I trained like I normally would: a mix of longer endurance sessions (75% effort) and higher intensity efforts (80%-95%)
  • My longer sessions lasted from 60-90min on the runs and 90-180min on the bike
  • All of my longer endurance sessions were done in a fasted state (water only)
  • All of my higher intensity sessions were under 60min and were pre-fueled

On the nutrition side, I adopted a high fat, high leafy greens, moderate protein, low carb approach.

  • Fats accounted for around 55% of my diet.
  • Proteins accounted for around 20%
  • Carbs accounted for around 25%.

You will note that I still had carbs. Carbs at 25% means I was adopting a "low carb" diet and not a "ketogenic diet". I won't get into the details on the differences, but suffice it to say that keeping carbs at 25% consistently is a lot easier than you think.

  • Fats included: grass-fed butter, coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, raw nuts, sardines, salmon, eggs, bacon
  • Veggies included: spinach, rocca, tomatoes, olives, bell peppers, 
  • Proteins included: grass-fed beef, lamb, free-range chicken, duck, fish & seafood
  • Carbs included: quinoa (also source of protein), potatoes, fruits, rice (rarely).

Note: when I started this fat adaptation around 8 weeks ago, I could barely run for 60min on an empty stomach and without fueling. By last week (pre-race), I could run for almost 2 hours in a fasted state first thing in the morning feeling absolutely fantastic. It works people!

Finally, I have to say that my whole fat adaptation process resulted in a number of positive consequences which were not the reason I embarked on this in the first place:

  • My body composition improved dramatically, despite my limited training: I dropped 2.5% of body fat in 6 weeks
  • My GI problems all but disappeared (carbs have been proven to be a major cause of GI problems since the "bad bacteria" in your gut only feed on carbs).

And here is a list of "experts" whose knowledge and experience I draw upon a lot in my education about how our bodies work, how best to fuel, and whose experiences and knowledge I've drawn upon for this whole experiment:


Friday, 14 March 2014

Bring a shovel... just in case

As some of you already know, I typically use the Abu Dhabi International Triathlon in March of every year as experimentation grounds for new things to try early in the triathlon season. Last year I was testing some new nutrition products, where I completely misjudged my hydration, got badly dehydrated and had a miserable race. If you enjoy misery, you can read about it here

This year, I'm trying something different:

As some of you already know, I've spent the last 2 months or so fat adapting my body.

For those who don't know what that is, it means I've been teaching my body to prioritize the use of stored body fat as a source of fuel, not just for exercise but for daily functions in life. In other words. I've been working on making my metabolism more efficient: tapping into existing sources of energy (fat) rather than relying on constant fueling with carbohydrates.

I'm doing this for general health reasons primarily, but I also wanted to test the claims that you could comfortably make use of that strategy in endurance sports.

I'll publish a write-up soon about what I did over the past 2 months to fat adapt, but here are the highlights:

Fat adaptation does not start and end with how you train and how you fuel your training. A common misconception is that training "long and slow" will get you fat adapted. Sure, it will help, but if the rest of your day consists of 50% or more carb consumption, then you're sending mixed signals to your body: "yes I made you go long and slow in a fasted state, but don't worry there is plenty of carbs coming once you're done".

So. I've adopted a low carb diet in general, aiming at getting 20-30% of daily energy needs from carbs, the rest from fat (60%) and protein: trust me, it's a lot easier to stick to than you think.

I've allowed myself 1 "free" day of carb eating every week (eat more carbs, closer to 200g) or so to maintain good insulin sensitivity and thyroid function.

I've "messed" up more than I would have liked, given work commitments etc, but I would say I was 70% on target.

Unfortunately, I haven't done much training over the past few months. Although I did do a handful of 100km fasted rides and felt great.

So, the race plan for tomorrow:
I'm doing the Abu Dhabi Short: 1.5km swim, 100 bike, 10km run. 

Race conditions expected:
- Looks like the water warmed up quickly and it's likely to be a non-wetsuit swim
- Expecting high temperatures (high 20s going to 30s) and some humidity (my archenemy)
- Expecting some stiff winds if we're lucky, and a "shamal" carrying sand and gusting if we're not.
  • Pre-race breakfast: bulletproof coffee and 3g amino acids
  • Swim: steady pace (I've hardly swum in recent months so I'll take whatever time I get)
  • Bike: steady in upper zone 2 (around 145bpm heart rate) to stay in fat burning mode
  • Bike nutrition: only water 
  • Run: also stay in zone 2 and take on only water. 

So essentially I'm doing the entire race in a fasted state with 0 calories. 
There can be 2 possible outcomes: 

  1. I'm fat adapted well enough to burn fat and get through the race reasonably comfortably; or
  2. I'm not fat adapted enough and you'll have to peel me off the side of the road with a shovel!

Monday, 10 March 2014

The Glycemic Index is SO yesterday... (Part I)


Put that watermelon down! Here have, this Banana instead, it has a lower Glycemic Index...

Not only have I heard such comments from nutritionists and personal trainers countless times over the years, but I was equally guilty of passing on similar advice.

In this blog post:

- What happens to carbs when you eat/drink them?
- Does the "type" of carb matter? 
- How does your body burn carbs for energy, and does it matter?
- What happens to carbs that you don't "burn" with exercise?
- What are the potential hidden health risks of glucose circulating in your blood?
- Can eating too much carbs affect your cholesterol? Are carbs the real cause of heart and cardiovascular disease?
- Is there such a thing as "too much protein"?
- Are there guidelines for me to chose which carbs to avoid and which I don't have to worry about?

The Glycemic Index (GI) has been around since the early 1980s, and is calculated from the "rate at which blood glucose rises" in response to the consumption of a certain food or drink. In other words, a tablespoon of sugar has a higher GI vs. oatmeal because it causes a more rapid increase in the amount of glucose in your blood.

But why is that important? What is glucose? Is the GI a good guide to eating healthy? How strict do I need to be? Are there better means out there to guide you? What about other carbohydrates?

Slow down with the questions! I'll attempt to tackle them one at a time...

So what is glucose, why should you care how much of it is in your blood and how quickly it got there?

Glucose is the simplest molecule of sugar found universally, and the most easily absorbed and commonly utilized by humans and animals. Most carbohydrates ingested by human beings get broken down in the digestive tract into glucose, which gets absorbed through the gut wall into the bloodstream.

Note that there are 2 other monosacharides (or simple sugar molecules) other than glucose: these are fructose (found in fruits) and galactose (found in some dairy products). Just like glucose, fructose and galactose are both "simple" sugars; in other words, they get easily and quickly absorbed into the blood stream.

Here's another piece of useful info: fruits typically contain 1g of glucose for every 1g of fructose. In other words, if an apple has 20g of fructose, it will also have 20g of glucose, resulting in a total of 40g of simple fast-absorbing carbohydrate molecules.

Let's start with the sources of glucose in the bloodstream. Later on we'll tackle what happens to it once its there and why that's important to keep an eye on...

There are 3 primary sources for the glucose circulating in your bloodstream:

1. Digestion of carbohydrates ingested
2. Breakdown of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles
3. Gluconeogenesis: creation of glucose molecules from non-carbohydrate compounds

1. Digestion of Carbs Ingested 

That's a simple one. When you eat any form of carbohydrate, their breakdown into simple sugars (glucose, fructose, galactose) starts in the mouth and ends in the intestines. This happens to all forms of carbs, whether they're complex starch such as oats or potatoes or simple sugars such as fruits or candy.

Does "all" the carb ingested get broken down in the digestive tract? The answer is no: some of it (such as insoluble fibers or even very starchy vegetables) stays in the large intestine, where it acts as food for the bacteria residing in your colon through a process called fermentation. Another reason for weak digestion of carbs in the overall health of your gut lining: inflammation caused by inflammatory components (such as gluten or soy) can easily disrupt your gut's ability to digest carbohydrates.

Side note: if your colon is predominantly inhabited by bad bacteria, this results in bloating, gas, and other digestive distress. As a result, one good way to address such problems is by severely restricting carbs for a few days to kill off those bad bacteria and then repopulating your colon with good bacteria by taking a good quality probiotic, or eating good quality fermented foods or yogurt.

But anyway, if your digestive tract is healthy and most of the carbs you consume get digested into glucose or other simple sugars, those molecules get absorbed into your bloodstream.

When does it happen:

Every time you consume any carbohydrate-containing food or drink.

2. Breakdown of Glycogen Stores in the Liver and Muscles

You see your liver and muscles have the ability to "store" glucose for future use. Both of these organs have "barrel-like" structures that are able to "package" glucose molecules into more complex molecules called glycogen and save them for future use.

One way of looking at it is as follows: glucose molecules are loose sheets of A4 paper floating around. The liver and muscles grab those papers and put them in folders. When a shortage of glucose is detected, a folder is opened and its A4 sheets are dumped out, releasing glucose in the bloodstream again.

But hold on! This is not a free ride at all: the liver and muscles have a very small storage capacity, so only a very small fraction of blood glucose actually gets converted into glycogen for storage in the liver/muscles.

Note: the liver is capable of storing glucose as glycogen and then releasing that stored glucose into the bloodstream. Muscles on the other hand CANNOT release glucose from glycogen into the bloodstream: muscle glycogen can ONLY be utilized by that muscle itself to contract.


Glucose from bloodstream being converted into glycogen. Glycogen being broken down into glucose when needed.

When does it happen:

When immediate need for glucose arises and enough glycogen stores are available in the liver (for general use) and muscles (for local use only).

3. Gluconeogenesis

Gluco (glucose) - neo (new) - genesis (generation) is a chemical process whereby glucose molecules are formed from non-carbohydrate compounds.

Gluconeogenesis occurs when there is an extreme shortage of glucose: in other words, when there is no glucose from digested carbohydrates and glycogen stores in the liver and/or muscles are depleted.


90% of gluconeogenesis comes from 3 compounds: (i) lactate, (ii) glycerol, and (iii) certain amino acids.

I won't get into the chemical processes for gluconeogenesis from each of these 3 compounds, but I'll explain what they are:

Lactate: it's a bi-product of energy production in muscles. You may have heard of lactic acid, technically that term is not correct. Muscles produce lactate and Hydrogen atoms, which are then recycled through gluconeogenesis to produce energy. When the rate of recycling can't keep up with the amount of lactate being produced, your muscles accumulate those Hyrdogen molecules and become more and more acidic and eventually shut down.

Glycerol: is what is typically bound to a fatty acid to form Triglycerides, the main culprit behind cardiovascular disease. So a shortage of glucose can cause Triglycerides to breakdown into glycerol (used for gluconeogenesis) and free fatty acids (which have many healthy uses in the body).

Amino acids: in extreme glucose shortages, the body is able to breakdown amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and use them for glucose production. This is why it is not advisable to exercise intensely for long periods of time without adequate carbohydrate intake: your body will "eat itself" to generate glucose.

When does it happen:

Extreme situations when no glucose is available from digestion and glycogen stores are depleted.

So what happens to glucose when it hits your bloodstream? 

Let's put the second (stored glycogen) and third (gluconeogenesis) sources of blood glucose on the side for a moment: they only occur when glucose is in short supply and is "immediately needed for quick utilization". So technically, you cannot have circulating blood glucose in these situations as it's immediately utilized.

In other words, glucose in the blood from glycogen or gluconeogenesis is "demand-driven": if it's not needed somewhere in the body, it won't even be there.

Glucose from food/drink on the other hand is "supply-driven": if it's consumed and digested, it will enter the bloodstream, whether you need it or not. And "that", my friends, is where you should pay attention!

What happens to that blood glucose then?

1. Energy production
2. Glycogen Storage
3. Fat storage
4. Glycation

1. Energy Production

There are 3 main ways for your cells to produce energy, ranked by order of how quickly they can produce energy:

a- The fastest (creatine phosphate pathway) does not use glucose or fat, and will only give you power for 10-second efforts (e.g. sprinting hard)

b- Glycolysis: breakdown of glucose to be utilized for any effort beyond 10-seconds

c- Beta-oxidation: utilization of fatty acids

Your brain, muscles, heart, and other organs are equipped to produce energy using glucose - so if any of them has a need for glucose and glucose is available in the bloodstream, it will be utilized.

Practical Applications: let's say you're undertaking a very hard AND long effort - in this particular situation:

- Long effort means the creatine phosphate pathway isn't enough since it only provides 10-seconds of effort
- Hard effort means beta-oxidation doesn't work because you need energy quickly, and breaking down fatty acids takes a bit of time
- Glucose is the only fuel that works, and comes from a combination of stored glucose (glycogen) and glucose from a sports drink for example. If you don't ingest food/drink that can be converted to glucose quickly, your glycogen stores will get depleted, and once empty (after 90-120min), you experience what many athletes have experienced and fear: the Bonk!

So what happens if you don't "need" that glucose to produce energy?

2. Glycogen Storage

When your body detects glucose in the bloodstream and doesn't need it for energy production, then its first action is to remove it from the bloodstream and "store" it in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles.
The hormone "Insulin" (released by your pancreas) travels to your liver and muscles and instructs them to remove glucose and store it in the form of glycogen.

Practical Applications: while the body has limited glycogen storage capacity, there are still ways to increase that capacity (to a certain limit!). Frequent "emptying" and "refilling" of glycogen stores will trigger an increase in storage capacity - in other words, your liver/muscles will create more "folders" in which to store floating A4 paper.

So, what kind of exercise can lead to that? Any unfueled effort lasting 45-90min at an intensity that's hard enough to deplete glycogen. Examples include: interval training, tempo runs, crossfit, circuits, etc. (more on that and other sports-related info in Part III).

Again though, to a certain limit! Yes this means you can get away with eating a little more carbs and feel comfortable that it's getting stored as glycogen and not fat, but that capacity remains very limited no matter how hard your train...

So what happens when glucose is not needed for energy and glycogen stores are full? You guessed it! It gets converted to fat.

3. Fat Storage 

So you ate that banana before going to bed, you didn't exercise hard before doing so, so your glycogen stores are full. The starch in that banana gets broken down into simple sugars: glucose and fructose and enters your bloodstream.

Your pancreas detects that glucose and secretes insulin, sending a Group BBM message to your liver and muscles and get that glucose out of the blood ASAP! 

But here's the problem: your muscle glycogen stores are full, so they can't take any more glucose. Your liver's glycogen stores are full too! But the liver doesn't give up so easily: it does remove that glucose, but by converting it into fatty acids and releasing those fatty acids into your bloodstream in the form of Triglycerides!

And those triglycerides start accumulating and form "adipose tissue", aka fat storage under your skin.

Ok so does this mean it's impossible to have glucose in your blood except after a meal? Since glucose will either be used, stored as glycogen or stored as fat, there shouldn't be any left in your blood a few hours after a meal, correct?

Well no, not exactly...

4. Glycation 

... and how sugar is what causes cardiovascular disease, not fat...

Let's revisit something we talked about earlier: every time a simple sugar (glucose, fructose, galactose) enters your bloodstream through your digestive tract, your pancreas will start churning out Insulin - this hormone acts as a messenger to your liver and muscles to remove that sugar by either storing it as glycogen or converting it to fat.

BUT there are 2 exceptions to that rule:
(i) Insulin resistance: if you keep eating foods that cause your Insulin to spike, your liver and muscles become "less responsive"

It's like an "enough already!" attitude by your liver and muscles. As this resistance develops, less and less glucose is removed from your blood, so it sits there circulating and reacting with other components in your blood (more on that later).

ii) Pancreatic fatigue: when this Insulin Resistance develops, your pancreas has no idea what's going on. It does NOT know that its messengers (Insulin) are being ignored. So what does it do? Send more messengers! 

In other words:
Glucose enters blood from digestive tract => pancreas secretes insulin => insulin is ignored by liver and muscles => pancreas secretes "even more" insulin => pancreas gets fatigued and ultimately lowers insulin production => TYPE II DIABETES

Of course, you are at an even higher risk of developing that form of diabetes if you have a family history of this disorder, as you are likely to develop insulin resistance at a faster rate.

Furthermore, if left untreated, the fatigue in the pancreas can become so extreme that insulin production gets almost completely shut down. You reach a point (Type I Diabetes) where the only solution is to get insulin injections, in most cases for life...

SO! Now you have free simple sugars floating around in your bloodstream and it's not being picked up by your liver and muscles - what do they do?

They cause something called "Glycation". Glycation occurs when a simple sugars bind to either a protein or a fat molecule, causing a range of oxidative damages.

What happens is: when a sugar molecule is bound to a protein molecule, the resulting "glycated" molecule is highly damaging to anything it comes in contact with in the body. Some of the common disorders which have been linked to glycation of proteins through countless studies over the past 10 years include:

- Degeneration in nerves (particularly associated with Alzheimer's Disease and deafness)
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cancer

Of particular importance is when cholesterol molecules get glycated by simple sugar molecules: Low Density Lipoproteins (aka LDL, also inaccurately referred to as "bad cholesterol") attach to simple sugar molecules and become glycated. Once this happens, risk of oxidation for these LDL molecules is drastically multiplied.

Then these "oxidized LDL" molecules travel through the arteries and cause inflammation in the arterial cell wall, leading to the formation of "plaque". Triglycerides floating around are then able to attach themselves to the inflamed arterial walls.

Numerous studies have shown that non-oxidized LDL does not cause plaque to build up in the arteries, but rather "oxidized LDL" does; and the oxidation of LDL does not occur without the presence of simple sugar molecules in the blood-stream. This also forms the foundation of the linkages between diabetes and cardio-vascular disease:

Diabetes => high blood sugar => glycation of LDL => oxidized LDL => inflammation in arterial cell wall => plaque formation

BUT HOLD ON! There is another BIG problem we omitted to mention:

I said that when LDL molecules are oxidized, plaque forms in the arteries and triglycerides contribute to that problem. So does a "low fat" diet that minimizes LDL and triglycerides in the blood take care of that problem?

Well no, it doesn't, and here's why:

1. Insulin spikes from carbohydrate food/drink "switch off" an enzyme called "Lipase"

2. Lipase (as the name implies) is responsible for breaking down lipids (triglycerides/fats) into free fatty acids to allow the body to use them as fuel for energy

3. With a high carb / low fat diet, insulin is high, lipase is low, and fat molecules not being used for energy start accumulating, whether you like it or not, and float around in your blood waiting to be "glycated" and oxidized. 
In addition, the "excess glucose" gets converted to triglycerides and those are added to the existing ones in the bloodstream as well. In other words, even a ZERO fat high carb diet will lead to triglycerides, high LDL, oxidized LDL, plaques and cardiovascular disease.

All this science is great, but how do I apply that to real life??? 

Let's try to simply it a bit... If you've read all of what I discussed so far, you know that:
1. Insulin spikes are caused by the amount and type of carbohydrates we eat
2. Insulin spikes cause insulin resistance and pancreatic fatigue, eventually leading to Type II Diabetes
3. This causes high concentrations of sugar molecules in the blood
4. A significant portion of that sugar is converted to triglycerides (fat), attached to LDL
5. Those sugar molecules "glycate" proteins and fat, thereby creating corrosive substances inside your body
6. Glycated LDL molecules get oxidized, cause inflammation in the arteries, leading to plaque formation and cardiovascular disease

SO, if you work backwards: to stop (6) from occurring, you need to limit (1) from happening: in other words, your aim should be to minimize Insulin spikes.

What types of food cause insulin spikes - the whole Glycemic Index concept 

Simply put, all foods and drinks containing any form of carbohydrate will cause some sort of insulin reaction.

Side note: proteins also cause insulin reactions, a little know fact. Amino acids can also be converted to fatty acids & triglycerides. So yes, too much protein DOES make you fat.

But as you probably already know, some carbohydrates cause a more significant insulin reaction than others. For instance, you would expect table sugar to cause a bigger insulin spike compared to, say, a potato for example.

Historically, the nutrition and diet industry relied on the concept of Glycemic Index (GI) to differentiate among various foods and drinks when it came to insulin impact.

The concept of the GI is simple: Glucose is giving a score of 100. Any item which causes a bigger insulin spike than glucose has a score of more than 100. Anything that causes a lower insulin spike gets a score under 100.

For example: a Mars bar has a GI score of 78, while apples have an average score of 50.

Generally, a score of 55 or less is considered LOW, 56-69 MEDIUM, and 70 or higher HIGH.

But the GI concept is far from perfect: it has fallen to increasing criticism
 by healthcare practitioners in recent years for a wide variety of reasons, including the fact that it does not take "portion size" into account...

Take wholewheat bread for example: it carries a GI score of 97! That's almost as high as pure Glucose, and even higher than that Mars bar! In fact, it carries a higher GI score than White Bread (71)! How can that be?

Well portion size is a big factor there: you see wholewheat bread is far less dense (weight/volume) when compared to a glucose, a Mars bar or even white bread.

The Concept of Glycemic Load 

Enter the concept of Glycemic Load (GL): the GL concept was created to address the portion size issue when dealing with GI - it gives foods a score based on a combination of GI and typical portion size. In other words, it measure the impact on your blood glucose of consuming a typical serving of a certain food.

Generally, a score of 10 or less is considered LOW, 11-19 MEDIUM, and 20 or higher HIGH.

Let's pick up that example we used earlier:

A typical Mars bar weighs around 60g and has a GI of 79.
A typical slide of wholewheat bread weight around 45g and a GI of 97.

BUT: the Mars bar would have a GL of 27 (HIGH), while the slide of wholewheat bread would be at 7 to 10 (LOW).

The Concept of Insulin Index 

The Glycemic Load is a convenient way of looking at things, but again, it's not ideal. The GI/GL concepts measure the impact food has on the amount of glucose circulating in your blood, but as we discussed at the beginning of this post, the story doesn't end there:

- Your body has a mechanism to deal with glucose entering your blood: insulin is secreted, sending a message to your liver and muscles to remove that glucose and either convert it to glycogen or fat
- So the "insulin response' matters much more than the "blood glucose' after eating
- The insulin response can vary from person to person
- As we discussed earlier, some people can develop insulin resistance, or a "fatigued pancreas" may not be able to produce enough insulin in the first place...

==> so is there a way to measure the "insulin response" created by various foods?

As a matter of fact, there is, and it's called the Insulin Index (II)

By measuring the insulin response of food/drink, it already presents a significant advantage over the GI/GL concept. Furthermore, I noted earlier that even proteins can cause an insulin response, and the II captures that as well. Also, while the GI is calculated using Glucose as a baseline (score of 100), the II uses white bread as its baseline, with an II score of 100.

Let's take some examples:
- White bread: 100
- Wholewheat bread: 96 (yes, it's nowhere near as healthy as you think!)
- Mars bar: 122
- Potatoes: 121
- Banana: 81
- Apple: 59
- Cornflakes: 75
- Baked Beans: 120
- Cheese: 45
- Beef: 51
- Fish: 59

The high scores for high GI foods (white bread, potatoes) are certainly not surprising. It is somewhat surprising that "healthy and lean proteins" also cause such an insulin response... But don't be alarmed: if you're eating sensible amounts of protein, that insulin response is actually quite beneficial: the rise in insulin caused by a moderate amount of protein actually drives the amino acids from that protein into your muscles to build new muscles fibers, which is always a good thing!

You will find a table with the Insulin Index for common foods here.


So to recap, in Part I of this post, we talked about:
1.    What happens to carbohydrates once you consume them.
2.    How your body reacts to those carbohydrates, and what happens to the glucose once its enters your bloodstream.
3.    How too much carbohydrate consumption can have adverse effects on your health, including fat accumulation, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease.
4.    How different foods can cause different insulin reactions, and therefore can have different effects on your health, performance and well-being.

In Part II (coming over the next 2 weeks), we will cover:
1. What are the general benefits of limiting carbs
2. How carbs impact the health of your digestive system
3. What causes sugar cravings and how to deal with them
4. A bit of history on our diet, and the evolution of carb content vs. protein and fight (yes, I will be picking a fight with the food pyramid!)

And in Part III (I promise not to keep you waiting!), we will cover:
1.    Eating recommendations for general health
2.    Eating recommendations for athletic performance
3.    How "strict" do you need to be in your eating habits
4.    How you can still enjoy your love for food without risking your long-term health

As always, feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below and I'll be happy to answer them.